Monday, March 16, 2009

A record number of mishaps

In one week, I managed to flood the kitchen with coffee,

break the shower curtain,

slice my hand open on a jar of sauce I broke in a grocery store (notice the tiny albeit deadly wound that bled all over the place on my left hand),

fall on my face going up the stairs in the metro, fall off the curb while I was walking, seriously wound my knee while I was trying to beat a little kid to a seat on the metro (I limped for 2 days), knock over an entire movie display at the cinema (and make a run for it, haha), trip over my professor's laptop cord, ripping it out of his computer, knock stuff off a shelf, wound my thumb on an noodle (it was dried onto a plate I was washing, but I seriously couldn't use my right thumb for 3 days), electrocute myself, burning a hole through my shirt, and break the bed canopy.

It's exhausting being such a klutz!
(Photos courtesy of R. Wiesenbach)

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