Saturday, July 4, 2009

La bande de la rue Paul Albert

In the cult that is my co-habitation with Misa and Rachel, we have established a new culture and way of life.

Our days of the week are as follows:
New Movie
The Mix
The Hide Out
Favela Chic

Days begin at 16:00 and end at 8:00.

Our traditional dishes include raclette, Delicious Creation, galettes, fruits rouges, baguettes with cheese, yogurt that does not require extra ingredients added to it to make it edible, and entire loaves of Brioche. (Certain members appreciate goat cheese, while others do not. Also, pamplemousse).

Our prayer of supplication simply goes: "Pleaaase... Pleeaaaaaaseeee.... PPLLLEEAAAASSSEEE!!!!"

You may recognize a member of our cult by her frequent references to the Office, famous youtube videos, and other cryptic phrases.

Popular hang-out spots for our members include the Hall, Quick, le Départ, Milk, and that sketchy park across the street.

We have everyone drinking coke.

We have one idol - Sylvain the Alien.

Our demons appear in the forms of sharks, butterflies, siamese bugs, and Marie-Emmanu.

Some of our Commandments include the following:
Thou shall always do as thou wants. It is thy choice.
Thou shall always tell zee truzzzz.
Thou shall never eat anything that doesn't belong to thou. (And thou shall never eat too ravenously. Food is a gift to our body, we must savor it and eat normal amounts of it at a respectable pace).
If thy sister shall make the three-fingered hand motion, thou must swoop in and save her from the creeper that is bothering her.
Thou shall not bleed on anything.
Thou shall take responsibility for thy bodily functions.
Thou shall not covet thy sister's manfriend (or ladyfriend).
Thou shall always clean the hole.
Thou shall not make tons of racket when others are trying to sleep.
Thou shall always be there for each other.

And whenever in need, such as when you get shot in the side on the Champs-Elysées, just call "SeKERRRity!"

(with Misa K. and Rachel W.)

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