1. In Paris, if you lug around your umbrella for days, it won't rain a drop. But as soon as you leave your umbrella at home, it pours.
2. If you take your time getting to the metro, you'll get there as soon as the train is pulling away. But if you hurry to the metro, you'll get there with five more minutes to wait.
3. You only run out of Orange credit on jours fériés (on holidays when all tabacs are closed).
4. Things that are on every street corner until you need one : boulangeries, post offices, tabacs, ATMs, pharmacies, and public restrooms.
5. If you've ever tried to have a grubby day and wear not-so-nice clothes, you have more than likely ended up at an impromptu dinner party, a free concert, or passed a famous person in the street.
6. Paris is the city of love - for tourists. For the rest of us foreigners who've out-stayed our welcome, it's pretty much just the city of passive-aggression.
7. You've made do all year without things you really need, yet you still have stuff burried in your suitcase that you haven't used once.
8. Rachel W: "If you try to deter a creepster by telling them you only speak English, not French, they become more intrigued and insist on practicing their English with you instead of just leaving you alone."
to be continued
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